A Sitter Session Photography is a celebration of your baby sitting independently, unaided. It’s a key milestone of your baby’s development and the idea is to celebrate this key new phase of your little one’s life.
It’s a wonderful time to photograph as they are sitting independently yet not crawling or running away, which is coming in the next few months.

Booking your Dubai Sitter Session is a great opportunity to see how your baby has grown and changed in such a short period of time, capture those precious facial expressions , smiles and cheekiness this milestone comes with.
Whether you captured the newborn stage or missed it, the Sitter session is a beautiful milestone that should not be missed.
I often get asked by parents whether waiting till big one and cake smash would be a good idea. I’d say if you are in a position to have both sessions happen, just do it! They are totally different milestones and sessions and offer different set ups, vibes, expressions of your baby! During Sitter Sessions we can get beautiful portraits of your little one little on the tummy , grabbing his toes, sucking the thumb ( as they are usually teething), smiling and staying still. Wait till they are one – cake smash sessions are quite a workout for both – photographer and the parents!
Those are amazing sessions to style. I provide families I work with with beautiful outfits for either genders to choose from to complete the look on a day!
To book your baby sitter session, please stay in touch.