Robin Jane Gow – Dubai Newborn Photographer

Being a Dubai newborn photographer, I have photographed over 500 newborns over the past few years. 144 Dubai babies alone in 2017 and 77 Dubai and Abu Dhabi babies in 2018 when I was pregnant with my Robin. The most amazing feeling was to have her gently kick little ones while I was wrapping them during the session. It felt like she knew what I was up to and wanted to communicate with them.

Newborn babies come with lots of joy and of cause sleepless nights, worries and complete change of lifestyle and routines. It took me a year to share photographs of my little one on a blog and we are still not having any decent sleep 🙂 Motherhood can be overwhelming , lonely and challenging but it’s so worth it! Now I feel like working with new Dubai mums even more , guiding them, helping them in any way I possibly can, sharing my raw experience with my own bundle. Mums do need mums and that’s a fact!

My Robin , apart from being very cheeky and keeping us sleep deprived, is a wonderful girl. She’s bright, happy , very outgoing and is full of beans! She’s gentle , caring and we could not love her more.

As a newborn photographer, I was so eager to create the most beautiful gallery of her once Robin was born. There were so many gorgeous set ups from my favorite vendors in place. I ordered new baskets from Rozzy Rayne Studio Props , my new flower tie backs just arrived from Ivy and Nell . Everything was perfect. Being a leading Dubai Newborn Photographer for years I know how age is so important in photographing newborns  ( more on my blog) . I started taking photographs of Robin when she was 4 days new.  It felt so special to photograph my own after so many years of photographing babies in Dubai! It did not feel real and probably sometimes still doesn’t.

We managed to create one beautiful gallery with my girl and the photographs us, parents, will cherish forever! Robin’s grandparents could not get enough of her albums and it’s priceless to have! So blessed for got photographs of her being so little as we’ll never have these moment back. I encourage every Dubai mum to invest in professional Dubai Newborn Photographer to create those memories for you! It’s honestly one of those things you’ll never regret!

Some of the photographs of my little Robin below

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